Dedicated to Preventing Equine Cruelty

Our goal is to stop all aspects of abuse and neglect to horses and other equines with an emphasis on advocacy, education, and rescue support.


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Dancer, the inspiration for Dancer's Legacy
Dancer: The Inspiration for
Helping at Risk Horses in America
(Learn More)

Dancer’s Legacy Foundation takes a
fresh look at the issue of equine welfare.

While rescues and sanctuaries play an important role for at-risk horses, they should not be the first line of defense. Creating new and improving existing avenues for horses before they need “rescue” is the main goal of Dancer’s Legacy Foundation.

“It is for all that horse gave to me, and to honor his time with me that I have made it a mission to help other abused and neglected horses.”

– Hilary Wood

Dancer’s Legacy Blog

U.S. House of Reps Committee Votes to Slaughter Wild Horses and Burros

The 1971 Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act designated 242 million acres for use by wild horse (and burro) herds. Since then, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has drastically reduced their use to 27 million acres. For decades, the BLM has catered to special interests like the agriculture/livestock industry which has been allowed […]

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Canada to Japan: Horse Slaughter Pipeline

Horse slaughter is NEVER humane. The cruelty begins long before a horse reaches the kill box if it lives that long. America needs to do better by its horses. Every year, thousands of horses are sent to Canada, where horse slaughter is legal. Then the meat is sold all around the world! However, as covered in a […]

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Horse Theft: How to Protect Your Horses

Are your horses safe from thieves? Horse theft can happen almost anywhere at any time. Keep this website bookmarked to protect your horse(s) ahead of time and know what to do if you or someone you know experiences this horrible crime. On the site, you can you can file a report of your missing horse, order […]

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